Italian Balcony

Surprising Things About Italy

Here are 12 things which have surprised us about Italy so far: Even in bigger cities (like Bergamo or Milan), people often run into others they know on the street, and stop to kiss and chat for however long. B read online that people are generally on-time in Italy, but with this practice, I have no…

Polish Toilet Seat Cover

Surprising Things About Poland

Here were 14 things that surprised us about Poland: There are bunches of bugs here in the summer and no screens. The window sill ends up looking like a small bug cemetery. You’re welcome for that mental image. They seem to like transparent toilet seat covers with kitschy images on them, whether it’s sea horses or fish.…

Swedish Lingonberries

Surprising Things About Sweden

Here were 11 things we were surprised by about Sweden: In Swedish, the letter ‘k’ is pronounced ‘sh.’ So, the word for chicken, ‘kyckling’ is actually said ‘sh-ick-ling.’ The Swedish and Danish languages are quite similar, but Swedes like to joke that Danish people talk with a potato in their throats. Most Swedes speak English too,…

Copenhagen Canal

Surprising Things About Copenhagen

We can’t speak for all of Denmark, since we only visited the one city, but here were 7 things that surprised us about Copenhagen: Everyone speaks English. Seriously: everyone. Some of the people, especially those in the tourism industry, have better English pronunciation and grammar than many of the Americans I know. Everyone bikes. Women…

Dublin Row Homes

Surprising Things About Ireland

13 things we weren’t expecting to be true about Ireland: Dublin In Dublin, they have a lot of signs which say ‘TO LET’ (meaning ‘for rent’), but they all look like they intended to say ‘TOILET’ and lost their ‘I.’ This is largely because the spacing between the two words is quite small. I even…