What We Ate in Pisa

  • Ancora Capodimonte: On our way to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, we stopped to grab food here. Leaning Rower of PisaB had a big burger, and I had a tomato pasta. Mine had too much oil on it, but B thought it was one of the better places we had eaten in Italy. The outside seating was nice, and the service decent enough. At the table next to us, a girl in her late teens sitting with her dad was playing some game on her phone, with all of the sounds on. I felt very lucky that they were finishing up when we sat down, as the chirps and squeeks and bings were driving us over the edge.
  • Pizzeria Easy Rider: This was one of the only places open on the late side near the Pisa airport, so it was an easy choice. Despite the proprietor’s indication that each pizza was personal size, we opted to split one. Good thing, since his definition of ‘personal pizza’ – and the accompanying hand motions demonstrating circumference – definitely needed work. That thing was big! The flavor was passable, the internet non-existent, and the speed of cooking good for getting back to the hotel. Some of the other reviews for this place are raves, because it’s an industrial office park – and I won’t understate the benefits of having a place to eat in the area. However, I wouldn’t say this was the most amazing pizza ever. The name was a bit funny, given that there were no Americans in the area that I could see.

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